Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The cats advancers in the sack 4 the last of the dogs

They where at home when keesha noticed a termite. She called turmunex
to get them said imoni found he two he found he found two
one in his bowl of mice one in his chair. Finley the exterminator came
but he said that they must go on vacashon so they went to a nice hotel
called the TIPTON. It was great room service was great it took A hole month
for the exterminator to finish. They went Home they never saw A termite again
but there was a draw back dogs again but THEY only had 50 solgers
so it was easy and the dogs never messed with them again

Saturday, March 25, 2006


MY life is usually pritty dull I WANT MORE ADVENCHER in MY LIFE
do sonthing like moove to NEWYORKCITTY ! I justwat to live the exsiting life.
the qiet life is not the life for me.

my cat

im the kind of kid who likes cats I KNOW what you are probly are thinking
that I was a girl but I am not one any way back to what I was saing
I like cats I even have one I like her alot its name is sagwa and please leave coments