Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

look at tnis!

hey look what i managed to do
i will be back with the cat's adventuers in the sack when i get some idas have fun waching dogs do stupid things

Monday, April 09, 2007

the cat's advenchers in the sack 11

Once upon a time in cat city the dogs and cats were living peacefully together. cats had deleted the birds completely from the cat world . cats were allies to all except for one creature the foxes and owls .they made an impenetrable base and wall around the cat capital. the fly cats went to prep for air raid the SEA CATS witch cloud flout and live underwater and land prepped for a faucet attack. {that is an attack through waterways , faucets and nearby rivers} they attacked the Central powerhouse. undetected then when the power was dead they walked right in without triggering any alarms. well the enemy stumbled around in the dark. they took the food supplies. the night afterwards it was on cat city TV about a successful raid the cat president said "our enemies won't even miss that food until it's to late.'' they made battle one month later and won the enemy just went home rilly mad to tell you the truth they ran away like chickens
the end

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The way I thought of

the way I think animal shelters shoud oporate is so the cats and other animals woud not need
to be shut up in cages so the way it woud work is there woud be rooms with cats dos snakes etc. there my dad brought up a good point what if two cats didn't like each other there woud be put in diffrent rooms and they woud hve 1st flour for cats 2nd for dogs. how it woud work:
at the front there woud be a desk and a fileing cabnit you woud look up a brreed of cat that you woud want and you woud choose a card there woud be things such as name date of birth and photo and status card with things such as good with children declawd and male or femail
and each cat woud have id number on the status card then you woud have to give the person the card and they woud hava loud speeker and call the numbr on the card exsample #330-437-890-9815 the person behind the counter woudsay into the loud speeker "please bring up cat number 330-437-890-9815