Saturday, December 30, 2006
there was a traveling salesman who worried about his wife while he was away. decideing to buy a gard dog for her he went to the pet store . the man at the pet store said he had no gard dogs but sounthing better callled a whisbang that was a lot better the man was skeptical
so the shopkeeper gave a demenstration placeing the furry little crechure on the floor
he said 'whisbang that chair" the whisbang ran and chewd the chair to toothpicks the man bought the whisbang and took it home. his wife was upset about getting a whisbang insted of a gard dog. she was skeptel of the abilitysc of such a small anamail the man placed it on the floor andtold her all she had to dowas say choose sonthing to be destroy and say whisbang and the objet you want to be destroyd it wod be insintly de destroyd. the wife was still upset and very skeptical she mutterd "whisbang my but!"
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
what to do?
Monday, December 04, 2006
The cat's advancers in the sack 10 attack of the flying physic
went the sirens of more police cars they shot at the cats the headline was on TV we interrupt this program for an importing news bulletin the people are runing away do to the attack of the flying physic the police alone coud not tackle the problem so they are sending in S.W.A.T.
one hour later... The news said this time it's that swat and the police coud not get it now they
are sending in the military! Yet again the news bulletin said the same time only it said the police S.W.A.T. and the military coud not stop it even so now they are taking the ishsue vey seriously now they are calling in the army! And now there are more than one so now the headline is ATTACK!! OF THE FlyING phisics plus us here have good advice
run! For! Your! Lives!! yet meanwhile in the cat's
flying rv they had TV i think they are bing ridiculous are the ones bing attacked well at least we can call more but all the sudden the rv landed and swat had there guns amid at the doors out ran the cats the TV truck saw everything the news man fainted so did swat the army and police the cats ran to the sack the people 24 hours later followed were the cats went to and when they peered into the sack they fainted again! The event was never forgotten nor did the people find out how the did cats do that?? In the end they lived happily ever after
the end
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The cat's advancers in the sack9 the selebashon
Once in cat citty the cats & dogs were selebrating 20 years of peace but with the hoses the total of the first year mean wile keesha and imoni were comeing to the party it had a feast when the dog army wanted to start early the generol wich was a cat astondingly held back all those dogs and it was a grand feast there was ,tuna, cod ,hadok chickin,shrimp,lobster,crab,scalob and more it was a very nice party and they all went home verry happy
Thursday, November 02, 2006
amasing things from the cat net host
hey evreone you just might find your self haveing a copy of a cats advenchers in the sack book if i get my mothers pirmishon all you'l have to do is:
go to the coments secton of this post
type your aderess
make a chapter reqwest or for the hole sires
i will do the rest
and then your done
ATCHNCHON please don't be sad or woried if yours dose not come do to i may not get mom to let me do it or there was a mail eror or sonthing elce any qwestchons also coment
note this is a limited time ofer lasts untill 12/24/06
Saturday, October 21, 2006
the cat's advenchers in the sack 8
Once in cat city they were don to usual Bing threatened by birds the cat leader was looking threw the towns records
and he discovered that horses were of neutral force and they were also threatened by the birds
so the cat president made notice of this and sent the horses e-mail about it now the horses didn't know what to think they some what hesitated at first until they saw the cat city records and then accepted when they saw it then cat&dog way to c.d&h andthen they lived haply ever after as for the birds they just gave up and all was happy and plesent
Sunday, October 08, 2006
introdduchin to the cats advenchers in the sack
fighiting dogs exsparamenting with toxix wast and this cat has a hole bunch of suprises
and advenchers in his fucher
keesha's fun life
she lives in the coolest place in cat citty she lives in a mandchon
drives a dirt bike for fun ones a limoand if thats not enogh a pool a hot tub
and a choclate bilding she is nice wants kittens and a mate because she hates to have so so so much space and no one to share it with
advencher the kitten willshure have an exsiting life
The cat's advancers in the sack7 A cristmas spechal
santaclaws came that night mall had falen asleep in the tub
in the kitten's stoking he put a fether on a stick some cat treats a snake in a can and a windup bird
and a real bird. and in mother's stoking he put brethmints spechel oder- free cat litter also some treats and apice of dimond
and in father cat's stoking he put a new tool set also a botel of bird wine a cat toy a catbox scoop a gass mask and a vail wich was for the cat box that had a horibowl smell plus a cat toy and treats and when the cats woke up they went to ther stokings the kitten the moter and the fother all liked what santaclaws had given them exspechely the kitten he tried the snake in a can at diner he asked for beans for diner and insted BOING! out flew the snake mal laughd till it hurt the parents laughd to they loved a good joke once and awile they had a lovly cristmas diner
the end
Saturday, September 02, 2006
What happened to the birds?
we took some alive put them on a grill
and some we used a washing machine and you cod see thro the top and Wach the bird swelingin the water it was cat entertainment and there was also the elechreck room and that is
what happened two the birds
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The cat's advancers in the sack 6 the bird battle
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
was practicing her piano when imony woke up he had a bowl of
micecripys and coffee but next day the dogs got a plan of
revenge to keep reproducing and outnumber the cats
but meanwhile the cats were getting ready for battle to they
knew the dogs had not attacked for some time
that year so three days days later the dogs decided to attack that night in the morning when keesha wokeup and heard barking in the distance she pulled down the DOG ALERT EMERGENCY ! lever sirens went up
all over the citty war broke out the cats may have had
less solgers but they ended up geting pece with the dogs and they even had a peace party
So the cats and the dogs lived hapely ever after
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
The cats advancers in the sack 1
sack it was a magical sack! Once he did this he fond him self in
another world it had a strong brick wall all around it there
were sines on the golden gates of the city like WELCOME
or solar cars only beyond this point
all of the sudden imony remembered he had won the lottery
wich was $68945348265 so he bought a hose and a car
and everything he woud need humored a beautiful cat
named keesha and one evening as they sat down to eat
out of nowhere came a SPACESHIP!!!!! THER WAS WAR OVER CAT CITTY BUT IT WASENT in cat citty
in the end the cats had won the dogs only had one half of ther army
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The cats advancers in the sack 4 the last of the dogs
to get them said imoni found he two he found he found two
one in his bowl of mice one in his chair. Finley the exterminator came
but he said that they must go on vacashon so they went to a nice hotel
called the TIPTON. It was great room service was great it took A hole month
for the exterminator to finish. They went Home they never saw A termite again
but there was a draw back dogs again but THEY only had 50 solgers
so it was easy and the dogs never messed with them again
Saturday, March 25, 2006
do sonthing like moove to NEWYORKCITTY ! I justwat to live the exsiting life.
the qiet life is not the life for me.
my cat
that I was a girl but I am not one any way back to what I was saing
I like cats I even have one I like her alot its name is sagwa and please leave coments