Sunday, October 08, 2006

introdduchin to the cats advenchers in the sack

there was a cat named imoni with a veary veary veary boring life untill he diskofers a magik sack and then the fun starts he gets the meaning of advencher jumping off bildings
fighiting dogs exsparamenting with toxix wast and this cat has a hole bunch of suprises
and advenchers in his fucher

keesha's fun life
she lives in the coolest place in cat citty she lives in a mandchon
drives a dirt bike for fun ones a limoand if thats not enogh a pool a hot tub
even a labrtory she likes the idea of cars that ran on the deep frier oil
and a choclate bilding she is nice wants kittens and a mate because she hates to have so so so much space and no one to share it with

the kitten
the cople of cats has a kitten names it mal and the kitten will soon know the meaning of
advencher the kitten willshure have an exsiting life

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