Saturday, October 21, 2006

the cat's advenchers in the sack 8

Once in cat city they were don to usual Bing threatened by birds the cat leader was looking threw the towns records
and he discovered that horses were of neutral force and they were also threatened by the birds
so the cat president made notice of this and sent the horses e-mail about it now the horses didn't know what to think they some what hesitated at first until they saw the cat city records and then accepted when they saw it then cat&dog way to c.d&h andthen they lived haply ever after as for the birds they just gave up and all was happy and plesent
the end

Sunday, October 08, 2006

introdduchin to the cats advenchers in the sack

there was a cat named imoni with a veary veary veary boring life untill he diskofers a magik sack and then the fun starts he gets the meaning of advencher jumping off bildings
fighiting dogs exsparamenting with toxix wast and this cat has a hole bunch of suprises
and advenchers in his fucher

keesha's fun life
she lives in the coolest place in cat citty she lives in a mandchon
drives a dirt bike for fun ones a limoand if thats not enogh a pool a hot tub
even a labrtory she likes the idea of cars that ran on the deep frier oil
and a choclate bilding she is nice wants kittens and a mate because she hates to have so so so much space and no one to share it with

the kitten
the cople of cats has a kitten names it mal and the kitten will soon know the meaning of
advencher the kitten willshure have an exsiting life

The cat's advancers in the sack7 A cristmas spechal

CRISMAS EVE 1800 HOURS year 2006
Once when imoni was drinking his cofe when kesha was going to bed
when she did so did imoni mal was taking a bath

santaclaws came that night mall had falen asleep in the tub
in the kitten's stoking he put a fether on a stick some cat treats a snake in a can and a windup bird

and a real bird. and in mother's stoking he put brethmints spechel oder- free cat litter also some treats and apice of dimond

and in father cat's stoking he put a new tool set also a botel of bird wine a cat toy a catbox scoop a gass mask and a vail wich was for the cat box that had a horibowl smell plus a cat toy and treats and when the cats woke up they went to ther stokings the kitten the moter and the fother all liked what santaclaws had given them exspechely the kitten he tried the snake in a can at diner he asked for beans for diner and insted BOING! out flew the snake mal laughd till it hurt the parents laughd to they loved a good joke once and awile they had a lovly cristmas diner

the end