many wanted to go so they got the old sack that imoni came through and they went out to earth they went to a car store and then they took a big flying van when they were just about to leave when the littlest cat said we can't leave not only did none of them very much liked the van more cats were coming from the sack ! So they went to all seasons rv the trailer store
and bought the biggest one at night to avoid being seen when they drove there were: one lookout cat to give directions two at the gas and break and one more to steer all of the sudden... weeeeew-weeeeew-weeeeew-weeeeew went sirens on a policecar the cop yelled
pull over!!! but they didn't instead the control cat yelled yo! Tom! Floor it! It's the police!
we can' t said the cat he was talking to wich was tom he added the controls are locked and i can't find the manual! Will the weapons work that we installed? Yes said tom ok here is something you can't do he thought to him self then he said no more Mr. Nice kitty!!! Ok aim. Steady. Fire! Ca-boom went the gun on the tires and they went flat but... Soon weweweweweweweweweew
went the sirens of more police cars they shot at the cats the headline was on TV we interrupt this program for an importing news bulletin the people are runing away do to the attack of the flying physic the police alone coud not tackle the problem so they are sending in S.W.A.T.
one hour later... The news said this time it's that swat and the police coud not get it now they
are sending in the military! Yet again the news bulletin said the same time only it said the police S.W.A.T. and the military coud not stop it even so now they are taking the ishsue vey seriously now they are calling in the army! And now there are more than one so now the headline is ATTACK!! OF THE FlyING phisics plus us here have good advice
run! For! Your! Lives!! yet meanwhile in the cat's
flying rv they had TV i think they are bing ridiculous are the ones bing attacked well at least we can call more but all the sudden the rv landed and swat had there guns amid at the doors out ran the cats the TV truck saw everything the news man fainted so did swat the army and police the cats ran to the sack the people 24 hours later followed were the cats went to and when they peered into the sack they fainted again! The event was never forgotten nor did the people find out how the did cats do that?? In the end they lived happily ever after
the end
went the sirens of more police cars they shot at the cats the headline was on TV we interrupt this program for an importing news bulletin the people are runing away do to the attack of the flying physic the police alone coud not tackle the problem so they are sending in S.W.A.T.
one hour later... The news said this time it's that swat and the police coud not get it now they
are sending in the military! Yet again the news bulletin said the same time only it said the police S.W.A.T. and the military coud not stop it even so now they are taking the ishsue vey seriously now they are calling in the army! And now there are more than one so now the headline is ATTACK!! OF THE FlyING phisics plus us here have good advice
run! For! Your! Lives!! yet meanwhile in the cat's
flying rv they had TV i think they are bing ridiculous are the ones bing attacked well at least we can call more but all the sudden the rv landed and swat had there guns amid at the doors out ran the cats the TV truck saw everything the news man fainted so did swat the army and police the cats ran to the sack the people 24 hours later followed were the cats went to and when they peered into the sack they fainted again! The event was never forgotten nor did the people find out how the did cats do that?? In the end they lived happily ever after
the end
The siren sound effects were really good!
I like that the cats came to visit our world but it's a shame the police chased them
Wow! That was exciting! Will the cats ever come back to Earth? They didn't have a very nice time here.
This was the best cat episode ever. I love reading about the adventures the cats have. I can't wait to read some more cat adventures.
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