Monday, July 27, 2009

reviseing the entire blog woot!

I'm spell checking all of my entire blog today all posts will be corrected


Unknown said...

Good job. Revision and editing are very important.

Anonymous said...

You will be editing for a LONG LONG time - i have never seen so many spelling errors...

I picked one post completely at random, and found all these errors from one post...

evreone - everyone
haveing - having
advenchers - adventurers
pirmishon - permission
you'l - you'll (you will)
coments - comments
aderess - address
reqwest - request
ATCHNCHON - attention
woried - worried
dose - does
eror - error
elce - else
qwestchons - questions
coment - comment
ofer - offer
untill - until

If you are 8 years old or younger, I apologise - otherwise maybe a dictionary would be in order?

Anson said...

whoever you are ananymos i am 11 and i would kindly like to say... $^8$^@%^

Debbie said...

Using spellcheck will make your blog easier to read, but I will miss your inventive spelling. I always knew the word you meant. Can't wait to read more. Debbie